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You can view your list of customers by choosing Customers from the menu bar at the top of the screen.

This displays a list of your customers in a grid, along with information relating to their account. Depending on the accounting system you are using with Credit Hound, the columns available and their names will differ. These can include the following.
Column Name | Description |
Ref, Reference | The customer reference number |
Name | The name of the customer |
Status | The current status of the account and if it active or on-stop |
Balance | The current outstanding balance of the customer shown in your base currency |
Credit Limit | The credit limit for the customer shown in base currency |
Not Due | The amount of the balance that is not yet due to be paid, shown in base currency |
Overdue | The amount of the balance that is over due to be paid, shown in base currency |
Disputed | The amount of the balance that is currently marked as disputed, shown in base currency |
Non Allocated | The amount of payments that have not been allocated to invoices, shown in base currency |
Collection Path | The Collection Path that the customer is assigned to. |
Auto Chasing | Indicates if Automatic Chasing is enable or disable on this customer. See Enabling / Disabling Auto Chasing for more information |
Clicking on the customer reference or name will open up the Customer Screen for that customer.
You can navigate through the customer list by using the page controls at the bottom-right of the screen.
Scroll through the list by pressing the arrows or go to a page of customers directly by pressing on the number. Pressing the << arrows jumps to the first page and pressing >> jumps to the last page.
Highlighting, Sorting and Filtering
The customer list has very powerful sort and filter options available. You can find comprehensive information at Sorting, Filtering and Exporting.
You can also highlight one or more customers by checking the tick box at the left-hand side of each customer row.
Export to Excel
You can export the list to an Excel file by clicking on the Export To Excel button. See Sorting, Filtering and Exporting for more information.
Grand Totals
If a column contains a numeric value, then the grand total row for all of the customers will be displayed at the bottom of the column. Note, this is for all of the customers in the accounts system, not just the customers currently being displayed.
Filtered Totals
When you enable filtering or highlight one or more customers, a second total row is enabled, called Filtered Totals. This is the total of the values for the selected or filtered customers.
Filtered Totals example