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Connecting to Sage 50cloud Accounting Canada
To start using Credit Hound with Sage 50cloud Accounting Canada, we need to synchronize your customers and transactions with Credit Hound. To do this, you need to install the Credit Hound connector agent on to a computer running Sage 50.
Step-by-step Guide to Connect Sage 50cloud Accounting Canada to Credit Hound
You can follow these step-by-step instructions to help you get up and running in less than 5 minutes:
Configure Sage 50cloud Accounting Canada
To allow the connector agent to get access to your accounting data, you need to set up a user with third party access rights in your Sage 50cloud Accounting software. We recommend creating a user specifically for Credit Hound in Sage 50. If you do not already have a user with the required rights, please follow these instructions to setup this user:
- Run Sage 50cloud from your Start Menu or Desktop
- From the menu bar, select Setup -> Set Up Users & Roles
- Click on Add User
Add User
- When the Add User dialog appears, enter the User Name (such as credithound) and provide a suitable Password
- Select Accounting User as the User Type
- Under Rights With Third Party Products enable the Read/write access
- Enable the required accounting rights for the user
- Click OK, confirm your password and click the Close button
Enable user rights
- You may now exit Sage 50cloud Accounting
Download the Connector Agent
Next we will download the connector agent using the Add Company Wizard.
- Logon to Credit Hound at https://my.credithoundcloud.com
- If this is your first time setting up Credit Hound, you will be presented with the Add Company Wizard screen
- Click the Next button
Connector Agent Download screen
- Click the Download button to start downloading the connector agent installer
- Once the download has completed move on to Installing the Connector Agent.

Installing the Connector Agent
The connector agent synchronizes your customers, contracts and transactions from the accounting system installed on your computer to Credit Hound in the cloud.
- You will need administrator rights to install and run the connector agent
- You only need to run the installer on one computer, which must have access to your Sage 50cloud Accounting company
- If you have Sage 50cloud Accounting installed on a server, then we recommend installing the Credit Hound connector agent on the same server
- The computer where the connector agent is installed needs to be turned on and connected to the internet to be able to sync
- Double-click on the CreditHoundAgent installer you have downloaded
- If the User Account Control dialog appears, click Yes
- A dialog may appear asking to install Microsoft Visual C++ components. Click Install
- When the Welcome page appears, click Next >
- On the License Agreement page, select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next >
- On the Ready to Install the Program page click Install
- The connector agent will now be installed on your computer
- Once the installation is complete, leave the option Launch Credit Hound Agent ticked and click Finish
- The install wizard will close and the Credit Hound Agent will run.
New Connector Wizard
After installing the software, the Credit Hound connector agent will run and automatically launch the new connector wizard. This next part takes you through the wizard which connects your accounting data to Credit Hound.
- The first screen of the wizard asks you to select your Accounting System
- Select the Sage 50cloud (CA edition) option and click Next
- Select the version of Sage 50 - Canadian Edition you have installed. If you would like the connector agent to auto detect the installed version of Sage 50 on your computer, enable the checkbox and click Next
- The connector agent will then install the required Sage 50 package files onto your computer
- Select the Sage 50cloud company you want to synchronize to Credit Hound. You can use the Browse to button to locate and select your Sage 50 company database file. Alternatively, the drop-down control also contains a list of the last recently used companies you have opened in Sage 50cloud. In this example we will use the sample company, Universal Construction.
- Click Next
- Enter your Sage 50cloud user logon details.
- Click Next. If a message box appears saying Invalid username or password, click OK and check the username and password you entered is correct and try again. Also ensure the 'Read/write access' and third party rights have been enabled for your Sage 50cloud user. See the section above, Configure Sage 50cloud Accounting Canada, for more information on how to set this and the required rights for your user if you haven't done so already
- We now need to log into your Credit Hound account so we can create a company and synchronize your accounting data
- Click Next
- Enter the email address and password you used to sign up to Credit Hound and click Sign In
- If you are linking Sage 50cloud to Credit Hound for the first time, select New Credit Hound Company and click Next.
- This screen shows the company details we will register with Credit Hound. By default they are taken from the company you have previously selected from Sage 50cloud. You can change any details here or fill in missing fields such as your email address, company website and telephone etc.
- Click the Next button
- Click the Finish button
Congratulations, the connector agent wizard is complete!
The wizard has created a service on your computer which will periodically synchronize your accounting data with Credit Hound. This can only happen when your computer is turned on and connected to the internet. If your Sage 50cloud data is stored on a server, then this computer will also need read access to that server.
A browser window should now appear which will take you to your new company in my.credithoundcloud.com. You may need to log in using the email address and password you used to sign up to Credit Hound.
It may take some time for your data to synchronize. Give it a few moments and refresh the screen.